Our Guarantee
Effective January 1, 2020
As part of your degree plan, Accelerated Pathways will identify specific courses for you that are transferable into your target school. If you enroll in a course delivered by Accelerated Pathways that was part of your degree plan and upon your successful completion of such course you learn that your credits have been rejected by your target school, we will either give you a new course for free or refund the cost of the course, plus give you an additional $1,000 to compensate you for time invested in your coursework.
How the Guarantee Works
What is covered
- A course that you have taken through Accelerated Pathways that does not transfer to your target school and meet graduation requirements.
- You have 6 months to claim your refund. The 6 months begins on the last day of your last course registered through Accelerated Pathways.
- Your degree plan is guaranteed only after it has been finalized by Accelerated Pathways and published in your credit plan, Degree Manager.
- If a course taken with Accelerated Pathways doesn’t transfer to and meet graduation requirements for your degree, Accelerated Pathways will explore alternate degree, school, and course options to find another way for you to graduate without losing your credits. However, if ultimately you lose any credits due to courses we selected for you that were not able to be transferred to your target school, we will either give you a new class for free or refund the cost of the class. Regardless, you would still be entitled to the $1,000.
Student Responsibilities
- Provide complete and accurate records and information. To create an effective degree plan that is guaranteed to transfer to your target school, we need to have a full picture of who you are as a student. This includes information like transcripts from each of the institutions you have attended, the exact school and degree you want to pursue, your mailing address, citizenship, discounts for which you might be eligible, military status, and date of birth.
- Maintain communication with your school and Accelerated Pathways throughout your degree pursuit.
- Take ownership of your education. Accelerated Pathways is here to support you every step of the way, but schools will look to you for communication and information and will be expecting you to be knowledgeable about your course work, degree program, and your plan.
- Provide the official transcripts of each previously attended institution.
- Comply with Accelerated Pathways’s instructions, such as:
- Action steps as provided by your coach.
- Action steps as provided in Accelerated Pathways technology platforms, including but not limited to Dashboard, Degree Manager, and Canvas.
- Action steps as requested by Accelerated Pathways, including providing a transfer evaluation by your target school (this may require an application to the target school or a course approval by your target school). Accelerated Pathways will direct you through these steps. It is critical for you to provide all feedback (in writing) provided by your target school to Accelerated Pathways so that it is incorporated into your degree plan.
- Upon application and/or matriculation to your target institution, share your transfer evaluation with Accelerated Pathways as soon as it is available.
- Action steps as provided by your coach.
- Provide Accelerated Pathways with written documentation from the target institution that describes the reason why a course didn’t transfer.
- Make a concerted effort to recover courses in collaboration with Accelerated Pathways. It is common for a target school's initial transfer evaluation to not reveal the most efficient transfer of credits. So, Accelerated Pathways reserves the right to appeal target school evaluations. Initial appeals are usually made by the student with the direction and support of Accelerated Pathways. Accelerated Pathways may also appeal directly to the school.
What is not covered
- Admission to your target school. Our guarantee covers transfer, degree, and graduation requirements, not admissions requirements. Admissions requirements include things like GPA (high school or college), course grades (minimum grades are required for each class taken and vary depending on your target school and major), entrance exam scores, age, work experience, essays, etc.
- Changes in policies or requirements made by your target school.
- Courses taken prior to your major being declared and/or your target school being declared.
- Courses that do not transfer because of changes in your major or target school.
- Courses taken outside of the Accelerated Pathways technology platform
- Waivers of the guarantee for various reasons (confirmed in writing)
Administration of funds
- When refunding the cost of a course, you will receive a prorated amount based on your current purchase. The refund will be returned to whomever purchased the course.
- The cost of the refunded course is first applied to any outstanding balance on your account. Thereafter, any remaining funds are returned to the payor.
- The $1,000 cash payment is paid to the student unless the account is delinquent or your course completion has outpaced your payment plan, in which case it will be applied to your account first.
- If it is discovered that a course won’t transfer while you are taking a course, we will return the cost of your course to be reused on another course or refund you the full amount. The $1,000 will be prorated based on your percentage of completion in the course.