For organizations that do not have a tuition assistance program, but have learners who want to build on previously earned credits to maximize the number of credits they can transfer into an institution or to get back into the process of learning, Pearson’s Propero courses provide a self-paced approach to learning that carries the credit recommendation of the American Council on Education (ACE). Our academic advisors work with learners taking Pearson Propero courses to ensure the learning is relevant to career goals/objectives, select courses that will add to credits they have already earned and validate learners will receive credits for their Pearson Propero coursework.
Each of the more than 40 college-level, general education and introductory courses includes: online course material; eTextbook; interactive lesson presentations; audio-to-go podcasts; personal student success coach; 10 hours of live, on-demand tutoring (for most courses); personalized study guides; user-specific pacing charts; audio/video components; and interactive “Check Your Understanding” exercises/quizzes.